
Play Reading February
Other plays read in the past
Ash Wednesday by Elham Kahil
Bazaar and Rummage by Sue Townsend
Orpheus Descending by Tennessee Williams
The Lady from the Sea by Henrik Ibsen
Murder at Café Noir by David Landow
Tea Party by Harold Pinter
Bondage by H.D. Hwang
The Seagull by Anton Chekhov
Truth Hurts and So Does Love by David Nicholson
Circus Girl by Rocky Hopson
The Company of Strangers by Carol Bunyan
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee
Scoop by Yair Packer
A Friend of a Friend by Bruno Sousa
The Last Analysis by Saul Bellow
Black Comedy by Peter Schaffer
A Night with Mao by Robert Lin
Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare
The Special Woman by Angelica Reitsma
Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario Fo