Dark Lady of the Sonnets
by George Bernard Shaw
Directed by Alex McKenzie
Will Shakespeare: A playwright with a bad memory - Denis Burke
A Warden Beefeater - Simon Murphy
Queen Elizabeth I - Dannielle Taaffe
The Dark Lady (Mary) - Daniela Spataru
Will (Shakespeare) goes to the palace to meet his Dark Lady with whom he is conducting a love affair only to find the Queen sleepwalking in the palace before being rudely awakened. Interesting discussions ensue, especially when the Dark Lady herself arrives on the scene.
The play is a witty "what if" scenario with humour, odd references to other Shakespeare plays and a healthy dose of cynicism.
Dark Lady of the Sonnets was written by Shaw in 1910 as a favour to a friend. The performance was to gather funds for establishing a National Theatre as a memorial to Shakespeare which sadly failed at a time when there were cuts and little support from public institutions or the government for Arts projects.